House of Finest Natural Diamonds
As an ethical and socially responsible business, we make every effort to operate at high standards of professional integrity, at all levels of the business. We abide by industry regulations to ensure that our supply chain is conflict-free. We adhere to all AML guidelines. We carry out regular reviews of internal policy to keep these in line with changing laws and regulations.
Starlite Diamonds recognises the guiding principles of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Its objective is to respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through the mineral supply chain.
We have adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards Conflict diamonds. We source diamonds only through those suppliers who adhere strongly to and enforce Kimberley process standards. Our suppliers demonstrate a robust supply chain protocol for their diamonds and have the ability to track diamonds by origin. We have strong management system in place ensuring adherence to the policy, including identifying and assessing the risk in the supply chain and have implemented a robust strategy to respond to any such risks identified. If any suppliers were ever found violating the process, we would immediately sever that relationship.
We are fully committed to responsible sourcing of our diamonds and we expect the same from our suppliers around the world. We continually strive to assure our customers, suppliers, employees, and other stakeholders that we respect human rights and assess our risks by identifying our suppliers through a risk assessment.
We will continue to support and promote processes that help in highest standards in diamond trade. We strictly follow the guidelines laid out by OECD and fully comply with the World Diamond Council system of warranties. Diamond sourcing goes beyond just conflict, we go an extra mile to inculcate policies for a fair trade.
The United Nations defines conflict diamonds as "Diamonds that originate from areas controlled by forces or factions opposed to legitimate and internationally recognized governments, and are used to fund military action in opposition to those governments, or in contravention of the decisions of the Security Council."
To combat conflict diamonds and to standardize mining practices, the international community established a policy in 2000 which was a zero-tolerance policy against conflict diamonds and known as Kimberley process.
We support the Kimberley process, which is an international process to track diamonds.We only work with reputable suppliers who value conflict-free sourcing and ethical business practices.
The Due Diligence Guidance for minerals may be used by any company potentially sourcing any minerals or metals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas, and is intended to cultivate transparent, conflict-free supply chains and sustainable corporate engagement in the minerals sector.
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